Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Kudler Fine Foods/ Supply Chain Management - 1241 Words

Running head: KUDLER FINE FOODS / SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Kudler Fine Foods / Supply Chain Management Larry Don Franklin University of Phoenix Kudler Fine Foods / Supply Chain Management Kudler fine food’s supply chain forms the center of its business processes beginning with its purchasing department followed by advertising, accounting, inventory management, forecasting, and merchandising selection and pricing. Its business processes could be enhanced by taking advantage of IT systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and, Expanded (ERP), Digital Supply chain, Real-Time Demand-Driven Operation, Inter-organizational information systems (IOS), Electronic data interchange (EDI), Vendor Managed inventory, On-Demand Customer†¦show more content†¦In checking on all the new items, especially on what competitors are offering, Kathy is also in a position to determine what current selling prices for the items are. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is extended to suppliers, customers, and other business partners to enables both smooth integration of a different company business systems as well as effective and secure communication. ERP would facilitate collaboration in its business processes. Supply chain management (SCM) manages the supply chain end-to-end processes that start with the design of the product and end when it is sold, consumed, or used by the end consumer. SCM is to reduce uncertainty, variability, and risk, and increase control in the supply chain, thereby positively effecting inventory levels, cycle time, business processes and customer service. Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is a business practice in which suppliers and retailers collaborate in planning and demand forecasting in order to ensure that members of the supply chain will have the right amount of raw materials and finished goods when they need them. Collaborative planning is designed t o synchronize production and distribution plans and product flow, optimize resource utilization over an expanded capacity base, increase customer responsiveness, and reduce inventory. A demand supply network (DDSN) is driven by customer demand. Its capabilities provide for agility, adaptability, andShow MoreRelatedKudler Fine Foods: Analysis of the Market Structures and Strategic Planning1079 Words   |  4 PagesAbstract This paper presents an analysis of the market structures, strategic planning, market environment, and internal environment of Kudler Fine Food in order to suggest the best market structure which can be helpful for its long-term profitability and recommend strategies which can make it more competitive and successful among its industry rivals. 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