Wednesday, May 6, 2020

If you see somebody being bullied, would you help them...

If you see somebody being bullied, would you help them? Well that’s the question the residence of the small town, Ashville, North Carolina decided to answer. Ashville is a little-known town in the Blue Ridge Region of North Carolina. It is resided by easygoing people who take pride in their city. Once desolated, this town has resurrected its downtown area into a small business gold mine. From restaurants, night clubs, and bookstores, this city has taken abandoned building and turned them into local cash cows. With all this new found success the city is experiencing, they have a new problem on their hands. A public-interest group wants to put a Wal-Mart a couple of miles outside of the city. Everybody knows what Wal-Mart is. It’s a†¦show more content†¦They have revived building once seen as eye sores and made them eye candy, and profitable eye candy at that. Downtown Asheville has become not only a hot spot socially, but it has also become a hot spot economical ly. Ashville is on the upraise, and a Wal-Mart will put a huge damper on their potential growth and future success. A big chain, like Wal-Mart, can ravage local business and financially destroy local business owners. I know Wal-Mart is seen as a mega job creator, but it is also the small business devourer. Small business owners can’t keep up with the convenience of a store that sells just about everything you could need, like a Wal-Mart. Another thing that consumers enjoy, but small business hate is Wal-Mart’s ability to lower their prices. Small business can’t match them because they’ll lose money instead of making it. Even though these practices seem great to the customer, these types of practices are actually monopolistic, and allows Wal-Mart, a finically stable corporation, to easily run small, locally owned businesses out of business. But, Asheville refuses to be the next victim of a big chain like Wal-Mart. They refuse to be bullied, and refuse to lose the city’s new life they fought and worked so hard to get back. They want the playing field to be fair, so that local business can flourish into city jewels and not revert back into closed down eye sores. Even though not having a Wal-Mart will rid them ofShow MoreRelatedSears, Roebuck and Co. vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Essays1615 Words   |  7 PagesGuillermo Villavicencio Salazar, Alex Edmundo Zavaleta Franco, Lorena Guadalupe San Salvador, 12 de julio de 2010. Sears, Roebuck and Co. vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. En el presente trabajo se realiza una comparacià ³n entre las empresas SEARS y Walmart a travà ©s de un anà ¡lisis de los Estados Financieros de ambas empresas y sus respectivas razones o à ­ndices. A continuacià ³n se presentan los Estados Financieros de Sears Roebuck and Co. A continuacià ³n se presentan los Estados Financieros de Wal-MartRead MoreWalmart : Walmart. 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